Aprendiendo a Sumar y Restar

Type Excursion (Interactive Presentation)
Description Esta propuesta de aprendizaje sobre "Aprendiendo a Sumar y Restar" está diseñada para estudiantes de 4º grado de educación general básica en Ecuador, enfocándose en desarrollar habilidades en suma y resta de manera interactiva y significativa, alineada con el currículo ecuatoriano. Considera las necesidades y características de los estudiantes, utilizando métodos y recursos didácticos variados,...
Author Tamara Acosta
License Public Domain
Knowledge Area Administration, Business and Legislation
Language Spanish
Created at June 27, 2024 20:42
Updated at June 27, 2024 22:28

A SCORM package is a collection of files which are packaged according to an agreed standard for learning objects. SCORM packages are zip files that can be integrated in any LMS (Learning Management System) that supports the standard (Moodle, Blackboard, …) and that can be used for presenting multimedia content and as assessment tools. Thus, you can integrate your Virtual Excursion in Moodle and other LMSs by downloading it as SCORM.