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Before you do the task:  

1. Look back at the introduction and watch the sugested video.

2. For the first task, after you have seen and understood the information in the video, select the name of each family member in English according to the image that corresponds to each one.

3. For the second task, review the introduction´s video and the first task considering the familiy relatioships to answer the proposed questions.

4. Look in your photo albums, choose your family members pictures mentioned in the family tree, cut and paste them in its correspondence space.


5. For the last task, look for a pencil and color pencils, according to your family, draw a picture of them. Color the picture and write below each member, its name.
NOTE: Take a picture of the products of tasks 3 and 4, send these images in a pdf file to the teacher's email.

¡¡Work hard and like a pro!!